Last I checked Yitsi still had the guild and if need be I am pretty sure I could get it back from her. (That is if you guys have not done so.) I...
Soon: This will happen between now and never hopefully on the closer to now side.
How old are you?: 28 Which game under the MMO Division are you applying for?: Bless What is your in-game name?: Klocknov (with whatever tagging...
Optimus Maximus is a beauty and if price wasn't a question I so wouldn't mind a keyboard that I can play anime and games on at the same time....
All I ended up getting was XCOM and the expansion.
So far I would trade with the Black Friday/Cyber Monday sell they had...
Not sure if I will end up getting any games off the list or not yet, just watching and seeing if anything big on my to play list pops up. Would...
Favorite leader of 2013(list up to 4) Q and I will bite my tongue for the rest being as I missed the last half of the year.