KM it me Tsuyoshi(used my real name in the forums). I just wanted to see if i can talk to you. I have some concerns about some things that are...
Hey Ace when you can get on final and in Team Speak we might be able to raid tonight. Hope to see you soon.
Wepa, todo bien. Soy yo Tsuyoshi ( use mi nombre verdadero en los forums >.> ). Es pa decirte q yo soy el lider del grupo 5 Yoshi Island y...
Hi Aya, hope your doing well. It me Tsuyoshi (i used my real name in the forums sorry). I am currently building a static, we are team 5 Yoshi...
Hey Ace its me Tsuyoshi, hope your well. Just wanted you to know after patch come live when you can enter bec i want talk to you about our raid...
I will be on tonight like always around 7:30 or so alright.
How old are you?: 28 What is your in-game name?: Tsuyoshi Takahashi Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone?: Yes What is your main...