Well the game died, last less than a year, however they have opened every character to play now for their last 8 weeks.
sad panda, especially as this weekend is all character unlocked and titan area bonus xp
android only, damn my iphone (not really, prefer them to androids)
Played it for about 7 hours today, and been up for about 12 hours without crashing, playing on a r390 at max settings for 30+ fps, no visible lag,...
Seems to be working for me, matchmaking has been quick, even on noob mode. Just can see the elements of P2W are heavy in here if you want early...
New PVP MOBA / PVE MMO, havent seen a thread on here so not sure if anyone has played it but some nostalgia characters in it. Almost looks like...
Even without a wayans spoof movie the acting felt wooden and over-contrived. At times it felt more like a school production with awesome cgi as...
Hope to hell something comes out, as WoW is starting to become dated, and as much as I like the latest expansion (a lot), if you dont have the...
I think I expected good acting, but it felt too much like the D&D movie from back in the 90's Really wanted to like it, but struggled because of...
I would, but my gaming time seems to have disappeared these days, still keep a toon over on hellfire around 660ish (tank), though if i am on and...
Marmite is awesome, its a weird bitterness that kicks in your taste buds, but is great on toast with lots of melted butter.