Awarded Medals: doctorie

  1. Awarded: Jan 2, 2014

    2013 XoO Awards Winner

    Awarded for being nominated and winning in the 2013 XoO Awards.

  2. Awarded: Dec 29, 2012

    2012 XoO Awards Winner

    Awarded for being nominated and winning in the 2012 XoO Awards.

  3. Awarded: Jan 10, 2012

    Lord of the Rings Online Tour of Duty

    Played LotRO with the XoO Guild for at least 3 months.

  4. Awarded: Jan 3, 2012

    2011 XoO Awards Winner

    Awarded for being nominated and winning in the 2011 XoO Awards.

  5. Awarded: Jun 30, 2011

    Hyperactive Poster Medal

    Awarded for the most posts created during a given period of time.

  6. Awarded: Mar 15, 2011

    2010 XoO Awards Winner

    Awarded for being nominated and winning in the 2010 XoO Awards.

  7. Awarded: Mar 15, 2011

    2009 XoO Awards Winner

    Awarded for being nominated and winning in the 2009 XoO Awards.

  8. Awarded: Jun 2, 2010

    World of Warcraft Tour of Duty

    Played WoW with XoO on one of following servers: Beta, Warsong, Garthos, Dragonmaw or Sargeras for at least 3 months.

  9. Awarded: Apr 23, 2009

    Planetside Tour of Duty

    Planetside Tour of Duty with XoO on the Emerald Server for at least 3 months. (during the time that Dash, Wr3ck, Jeb, PvtSnafu or BLW lead the division)

  10. Awarded: Apr 22, 2009

    Star Wars Galaxy Tour of Duty

    Played with XoO in SWG for at least 3 months.