Hah, I wrote this off.... had money soaked into the kickstarter. I see also sorts of pretty pictures....... Its been ages this I logged into...
Star Citizen 3.0 was released to play with, lots of new things to do. It is buggy and crashes, but still gives you alot more new features to play...
LOL, its a cool looking ship, I really had to control myself, I almost purchased a Pioneer, just because I thought it would be really cool to be...
Anyone still play PS2 on the original Vanu side we used to have an Outfit on the Emerald Server?
Resistance is Futile ! https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/16269-Anniversary-Special-Week-2017 Ok Ok...., I bought a Land...
Lots of good stuff on CitizenCon, many recap videos. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/citcon-featured-content/16216-CitizenCon-2947-Recap
It was decent presentation, enjoyed it. However, I am not pleased with the time wasted on that facial recognition FLUFF. This is FLUFF that could...