Favorite poster of 2017 (list up to 6) (your favorite posters of 2016) bishop (for this post obviously)
I realized this weekend, the 4th, is the weekend of easter so I wont be able to attend, since I'm going back home to visit family. Sorry. Super...
yeah im definitely down for the tourny!
draft a deployment plan and file your request for change with the change control board.
im in!
Currently its set to cycle through everything but has a vote at the end. Also FYI this is down while i convert my servers over to DS, should be...
Tonight, we frag! Again!
[IMG] [IMG] Join the FPS division in playing Insurgency Tuesday nights at 8:00 EST. Last week we had great turnout from both old and new members...
If the server is configured to be 128, yes. Ours is. Also i noticed snd_restart isnt working for the exec, have to look into that tonight. You...
www.thedgl.org has a league for insurgency starting soon. would anyone be interested in playing? Its a 5v5 firefight league on Tuesday evenings at...
id play a night. How about Wednesday?
Since this is a source engine game here are some additional options you may find helpful: cl_showfps [0|1] version status net_graph [1|2|3]...
I found this exec online and added snd_restart. remember to add +exec autoexec.cfg to your launch options. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>...