New Profile Posts

  1. Myschievous
    Looking forward to Bless
    1. Whammy likes this.
  2. Myschievous
    Myschievous Guice
    Hi welcome back. Just go to Join us and in the tab go to join game group and join bless please
  3. Serverus
    Knowledge is the key to success, humility is the key to respect.
  4. Rhana
    Always be yourself - unless you can be a unicorn. Then always be a unicorn :)
  5. Toepeka
    Not that new anymore
  6. Thor
    Thor Mose
    hi sir this is thor how are you
  7. Thor
    Thor Mose
    hi sir been a long time hit me me up thor
  8. Thor
    Thor Mose
    hi sir how are you
  9. Kure.
    News team assemble!
  10. ss_hype
    Back for some gaming action! Anyone from the old days around?
  11. Ironjaw
    Looking for bodies for ESO for Summerset - hit me up on discord bigt983#1461
  12. The Cox
    The Cox
    rawr, grr grr, raw, rawr ^-^
  13. Ironjaw
    Putting together a crew for WoW xpac hit me up bigt983#1461
  14. Darvos
  15. Babilonilouco
    Currently without a gaming PC.
  16. Ginko
    Ginko Kyoji
    Go ahead and invite my alt Rollo to guild. I am currently doing shadow work on my main.
  17. XStunnaX
    XStunnaX Drag
    Hey man long time no talk, hope life is good.
  18. PersonalRiot
    Two weeks; almost here >: D Hyped!
  19. Hoban
    Can also find me on psn ID nu_shu.
  20. Ciza
    BDO PVP server opens tomorrow , see forum