How old are you? 35 What is your in-game name? Not sure yet Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone? Yes What are the top five games that influenced you most and a little bit as to why? First off I was an avid Dungeons & Dragons player from the time I was very young. That game is what helped pave the way for my love of role playing games to begin with. Secondly was an old game called Fairy Tale Adventure. It was back in the days of Sega Genesis and I was rather young back then, and I just remember wandering around working as best I could to complete all the quests and objectives. It was more of an adventure game I would imagine but it did have a fair amount of RPG elements as well. It's what more of less got me into video game RPG's. Third was Final Fantasy III or 6 as it were at the time in Japan. I have fond memories of watching my friends play that game until I was able to purchase a copy for myself. Kefka and Ghestalt will always be two of the villains which I measure other antagonists against. Breath of Fire. The Franchise I perhaps spent more time on than almost any other. That series for me was very rich in tiny gameplay elements. Though looking back the story was a tad generic it did the job. The various NPC names from that series helped provide much inspiration for my own MMO characters over the years. Lastly I would have to say EverQuest. When my Dungeons & Dragons group fell apart, I had an itch for a social gaming experience that I just couldn't scratch. Back then the whole Internet was a fairly new thing for me in general and I put off trying EQ out initially because I didn't like the idea of having to be "online" to play a game. Let alone have to pay a monthly fee. However once I tried it, I was hooked. It was the gateway game that got me into all other MMO's and 13 Years later I'm still playing strong. What kind of content do you prefer to PvP, PvE, or both (PvX)? PvE What guilds have you played with and what roles did you have within the guild? World of Warcraft I was a High Officer in Several guilds lastly was one called Enigma. Rift. Carpe Vinum. High Officer. EQ2 High Officer. (Can't Remember Guild name unfortunately.) SWTOR. Maldiction. Sr. Member. GW2 Art of War. Sr. Member. I've mostly been an Officer of some type as I enjoy helping others and like to lead by example. I only have ever left a guild in any game due to the guild going defunct over time as people leave/get burnt out etc. What made me join was quality of players I met from said guild, and or how the person recruiting me went about it. Usually Random invites don't garner any favor with me. What brings you to XoO and why did you choose us? Honestly my real life buddy and I were talking about playing FFXIV together for some time. However his other friend Valrow decided to do some homework and find a guild for us to join for when we are able to play the game. I sadly hadn't heard of you guys untill then. However that doesn't mean anything bad against your guild. List some of the things that you think will make you an asset to XoO. I'm an Honest person and a player. I take pride in my ability to learn each class I play and consider myself to be a high performing player. I'm always willing to take direction and learn new things. You are in a middle of a raid and the raid leader calls out a command you don't think will work out. Do you hesitate and contest, or do you listen anyways and speak your mind after the fact? I follow the command. At the time of command in the middle of a raid and or fight, is the wrong place to analyze your strategy. The raid leader presumably got his position due to his experience with raiding. Therefore a certain amount of trust should be afforded to them that despite what you may think there is some method to their madness. So to speak. However if after the fact it turned out that their advice was in fact faulty, as I said, it would be better dealt with later on after the raid. A little bit about yourself? *Gaming history, habits, etc...* Well I think I mentioned a bit during some of the previous questions. However to help further articulate, since my days of EQ1 I have been an avid MMo gamer. I generally play about 15-30 hours a week nowadays since I'm not married I don't have the endless fount of free time I once did. However I always try to make the most of the time spent gaming each day. How many hours do you play per week, on average? 15-30 + Were you reffered to XoO? If so, enter the name of the person who referred you to XoO Valrow List the best times for your interview 18:00 - 20:00 Sun-Thursday/ Have you applied to the FF XIV:ARR usergroup? No Do you have a character already? If so please provide lodestone link to them. No.