This is Norefund. Before you look over my app, I'd like to explain why I'm apping on my Rogue. Currently, we are running raids with 5-6 shamans on an average night, two to three being elemental. As much as I love my elemental shaman, the spec brings absolutely nothing to a raid setting. Currently, we are competing with shadow priests as the worst dps spec in the game. This isn't my opinion, it's a fact. Totem of Wrath, being a static 280 sp buff, is being replaced in most top end guilds by demo warlock's Demonic Pact, being 10% of the warlocks sp. Bringing more than one elemental shaman is overkill in my opinion. Aside from that, we only have three rogues that raid consistently, and on the norm, two of them will show up each night. As it stands right now, rogues will push out the most dps on a non-gimmick fight. Currently, my rogue is out-dpsing my shaman. I need just a few more improvements as far as my gear goes, but I'm sure I can fix that problem within a week or two. I'm a guy that feels perfect synergy is essential to a raid. Once a buff is provided (such as totem of wrath), it is most beneficial to have more pure's feeding off of buff's like this, rather than hybrids who suffer dps taxes. If you guys disagree with what I'm saying, I'll continue raiding on my shaman, but in my opinion, I would benefit the raid much more on my rogue. Character Name, Class, and Main Spec: Zinfiny, Undead Rogue, Combat Applying for position: Raider or Friend Raider Armory Link: 1. Talent Spec (List any dual specs or explain situational talent picks):15/51/5 combat. my duel spec is assass pve, but i'll probably change it to pvp soon. 2. Professions and how they help your raid performance:LW and alchemy. I get an AP boost from both professions, as well as an extra hr on my flask. I know JC is best right now, but ArP will be getting nerfed in 3.2.2. 3. How long have you played WoW and what is your PvE progression? since the game came out. 4. PvP influences and impact on raiding: I haven't PvP'd too much on my rogue, but I did a lot on my shammy. 5. Age (18 is required with limited exceptions): 25 6. Location and living arrangement (wife, children, dorm, etc): 7. Occupation outside of WoW and any scheduling issues it creates: l 8. Your old/current guild and why you are leaving them (Include old guild's name or we could think you've joined them and dismiss your app): 9. How did you hear about Xen; list any references within the guild: 10. List consumables you carry to raid to include food when a fish feast isn't provided: blackened dragonfin, haste pots, and endless rages. 11. What conflicts do you have with our raid schedule listed above? none 12. Submit a damage/healing meter such as Recount (Screenshot to include player breakdown of attack %'s),WoW Web Stats (WWS), or World of Logs listing. (If one is not available, explain why): The only thing I have is the recent ToGC I did with a few guidys.. lime tid and pepper were in it. Here is how i compared. Also, you can check out my UI on it as well. 13. Provide a UI screenshot inside a raid (If one is not available, explain why): 14. Final comments you feel could help your application:
but why take away the shaman with higher dps?!? i've got no objections and we've noticed the overage of shaman (and shortage of resto shaman). ill try to get an answer on it over the weekend.
oh, i know... i was just taking a stab at kelad... not just because it was true, but because it was kelad. and his alts are really badly geared
Haha mine looks like that ATM since I redid it. Rogues only have like 5 buttons, we want to feel special by doubling up and making our action bar look bigger.