"Zero Punctuation is The Escapist's groundbreaking video review series starring Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw. Every Wednesday Zero Punctuation picks apart the games so you don't have to. Called "hilariously cutting ... first legitimate breakout hit from the gaming community in recent memory" by Boing Boing, see why gamers love it and developers fear it." Not sure if you've guys heard of him, I'm sure you probably have but if you haven't check out his videos, they're quite hilarious. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation
I just saw it for the first time....its great but do i still have to kill myself? please no i want to watch more
ZP is always witty and freaking amazing, he talks super fast though. Sometimes I have to replay it a few times to catch everything XD
Yahtzee is funny, but I have yet to agree with anything he has said (on the games he's reviewed that I've played.)
I'd figure most people has seen him =D just showing him to people who haven't he's pretty funny and some of his reviews are spot on what I think as well. Amnesia is the most recent one, I agree with Yahztee on haha Yizelin: lol that sounds like a fun place to be in. =]