Xen of Onslaught is building up its forces to take on Aion Online. In preparation for this endeavor XoO is currently recruiting active and mature players to join in on the onslaught and fun. Click here to find out more!
I think you need to reverse that statement =P The cool kids are playing Asmo and those not Elyos. (Although it must be said i wanted to play Elyos over Asmo tbh ;_; )
Yeah I know... thought it would be the other way around... but it makes sense when you think about it. It's clear that most NA players prefer Asmo and EU, Elyos... and all we're doing is filling the void that are left (ie. playing the underdogs).
I thought everyone liked Asmos better since their evil/dark themed... like playing Alliance vs Horde in WoW. Most people picked Horde because their the evil/cool looking faction.
Both sides are neither good or evil. There have just been misunderstandings between both races. The true evil race if you would want to call it evil is the Balaur that where created to protect the world, but instead choose to conquer the world. Lots of fighting happened the world split and now the only way to survive is to destroy the other race so that there is more time to live on an already dying planet
getting ready for aion thread quickly turned into a brief lore synopsis, lol, we all know that elyos are better anyways, the EU side is just taking one for the legion and playing the worse race :O