I have changed the old style ribbons to a new medals type format. This both functions as a way to reduce the size of awards in the postbit to include more and to be a bit more clear on what each award represents. Furthermore, I have added a new type of medal thanks in part to dash continually whipping me with a cane. There are 4 classes of medals. Tour of Duty Medals, Donation Medals, XoO Awards Medals, Global Medals, and Division Medals. Tour of Duty Medals These are medals that are given to those that have played with XoO in a specific game for 3+ months and represents a game list that members have participated in. Donation Medals Much like the previous ribbons they are awarded for donations of $10 or more during a specific year and are used to recognize our contributors who help fund and maintain the website and our teamspeak servers. Annual XoO Awards Medals These are based around our annual XoO Awards where the community votes on who was the best of that year. However, unlike previous years we will be reducing the award spam by awarding a single medal for winning and participating. Your medal description will list every award category you won during the XoO Awards for that year so if you win multiple categories your medal description will reflect that. Division Awards We have also decided to award people for their achievements and contributions in individual divisions by offering every member the ability to achieve a medal of recognition. There are currently 8 medals one can achieve in a division which include such medals as activity medals for being active and PvP/PvE Commendations for demonstrating outstanding presence on the battlefield. Every so often the CO of a division will look to reward their dedicated members with medals for outstanding service to the division. Only members who have played with a division for 3+ months may receive a medal and the medal may be taken away up to 3 months after being given the award if the player fails to live up to the medal handed to them. This means that once you receive a medal you need to continue to strive for excellence in order to keep it. Naturally only divisions that have been around for 3+ months may receive the award. For the complete list of awards please visit the awards page for more information. Global Awards These are exclusive medals handed out to members who have demonstrated outstanding service to the guild overall and not in just a single division. There will be a form put up where you may nominate people for various medals and every so often the Xenate, or more specifically the Community Relations Officer, will look and review the names and see if any of them qualify for the medal. Naturally the medals will not be handed out like candy, but rather exclusively to those that deserve them and some will have to wait or put in a bit of extra effort or time to receive one. The nomination form is ONLY for global awards and may be submitting using this form. To find out more about each of the global medals and what it takes to receive one please visit this thread.
Where does a CO request a division award for a member? When I visit the awards link, there is no "request award" option available to me. Can members also nominate for the division awards or only the CO?
There is an entire section dedicated to Nominations which can be seen by admin, Xenate, and CO's. Currently there is no way to nominate via the forms. If you wish to nominate someone speak with your division CO.
The new awards look cool, I'd say the donation one needs to be more legible, the money sign is kinda just a green blob at it's current size. Other than that they look more modern which is cool.
Good looking medals man ....... For donations ...... is it to a specific person or organization ....... do u have a tax ID #?! or tax excempt #?!
I don't think XoO has a Tax I.D. and I don't think they are tax exempt either. Best to ask Kyo, Fox or Dash.