XoO cut the devour of souls down this weekend. This boss was quite the cock block but with his death the upper citadel now lies open. Now Socrethar the "Eternal" and his misleading title are next on our hit list.
Congrats : D, I always found this fight really amusing and fun in the lower levels but apparently stomach duty in Heroic is a pain. All aboard the Legion hype train! Choo choo!
That's the spirit! Come one, come all! Shameless plug!(click me I'm a link!) View all of the Mythic Selfie's brought to you by Bro"The Anvil"ruk, chronicling our adventures from Highmaul to Blackrock Foundry and it's final stop in Draenor, Hellfire Citadel. See the victorious war face of the shaman that slaughters over the corpses of our fallen Mythic foes. I dare you not to enjoy yourself while browsing them.