This is a note from the Xenate. We will be having a community meeting on February 9th at 10pm EST. We will be discussing things such as Beta testing, recruiting, vent/forum rules, at the end we will be having a Q&A sort of deal and discussion about whatever Xen related topics arise. If there is anything you want discussed, feel free to post the topic in this thread so members can think about it prior to the meeting. ~Xenate
I think as a focus, Every member should submit 2-3 questions and the most popular will hopefully address 50-75% of everybody's general concerns and thoughts so we can get it out of the way early. 1. Current gaming membership in general seems to have diminished in the year. As such, will there be a concerted push within all games to increase membership, to increase our visibility within the gaming community? This helps XoO as a whole, as it increases our likelihood of getting into Alpha and Beta programs along with increasing our visibility. 2. When will the new Code of Conduct be complete? Will the community have input into it's creation? That's all off the top of my head.
I just want to know how other division are doing... Im only that active in CoD4 atm. I want to know how XoO is doing over all. Xen needs more RTS divisions. I hope we plan on supporting SCII and other RTS! Any plans there?
Progress on the CoC would be appreciated and I think an announcement on general guild direction would be helpful as well. Thinking outside the box, funds should be addressed on a public scale, and donations should be accepted as readily as they are willed.
1) What focus does the guild follow, in other words what are we offering new recruits when we say join us...what are we? 2) Discussion on whether Kyoji is awesome...or super fregin awesome.
1.) With many of the new mmo's coming out being FFA pvp and XoO seeming to allow anyone into the ranks will people have to meet each individual division requirements to prevent cross..."contamination"(yes sounds horrible but gets the point across)? Leading to unrest in certain divisions because it was started on one premise but since cross recruiting is unhindered others complain and it ends up on another. 2.) I'll think of something.
I think we just need a clear goal. Dash has lamented and said in the past that we are a PvP focused guild, but at times it doesnt seem so. PvE is fine and such divisions as WoW, etc can do primarily PvE...just don't come into AoC and start whinning about getting ganked or complain you dont want to PvP, then cry later when leadership yells at you for not PvPing in said PvP game. Yes, this happened in AoC and yes I was an officer in AoC before everything fell apart.
Posted by Neptuno, but putting it here for consolidation: Figured I'd post thoughts but I am unable to reply to topics on the front page (discovered it when I tried to reply to our Glory of the Hero topic). As a newer member, I don't really see much interaction and thus less connection to other divisions. Also, I see a lot of clutter in way vent channels are set up. I'm sure that many division leaders have the ability to handle such things for their parts of vent, but that same lack of connection I feel seems to apply to division leaders too and nobody is doing it. I see recruitment issues as something that should probably be looked upon after we streamline our infrastructure... maybe drop games that have little or no activity
1. Who is Xen and what do we stand for? In the past we were feared and respected, now in some games we are called a joke... How are we going to restrengthen our stand and get back the glory that we once were? 2. Asleep at work right now, brain not working, eill edit later.
good stuff tonight. thanks to Brown and Shoji and dr jay for leading and coordinating the coversations.
Can't believe I fucking forgot about this.. Is there a recording or notes anywhere about what was said?