My 360 an my Laptop are connected to the same network (wired connections). My 360 can't find my computer. I was trying to use Windows Media Player media share, but I have no idea how to connect the two through the router. Speedy replies are appreciated <3
Tried it. It couldn't find the Xbox. My computer can't connect to anything over the network other than the internet.
Do you have to connect your Xbox directly to your computer to make it work, I read the support site and thats what it sounds like you have to do
First off what OS do you have? Secondly, when you start your xbox and your pc is on, something should pop up and tell you that the box is trying to access the computer, you have to allow the box to see your computer from the computer. Third, if you have vista you have to go activate a few things in the network settings. By default file sharing/printersharing is turned off. Regardless of if you have media share on if you have file sharing off it will not work. Fourth, If you cant connect to anything from your laptop you may have firewall issues. Without more details it is hard to tell you a good solution.
I have XP. And I don't get any boxes saying it's trying to connect. As a note, I can get on Xbox live just fine. I also turn off my firewall everytime.
Does your PC detect your xbox? if you go into tools->options->library->configure sharing Does an xbox show up? If so go into settings(at the media sharing) and click the box at the bottom that says "Allow new devices and computers automatically"
This was a long time ago and I'm shooting from the hip but I think I remember something about this. I think you have to have windows media connect. How to acquire or install that is on you. Here's the wiki:
I've given up. I've tried Media Connect before too, it doesn't do anything. What ever, not worth the stress. So, since I've already tried to use WMP, I'll assume it doesn't work.