Xanderlock: Warlock Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Xander, Feb 10, 2010.

  1. Xander

    1. Character Name, Class, and Main Spec:
    Xanderlock, Warlock, Affliction
    I am an Affliction Warlock as this is currently the top warlock dps spec, it is also the reason I rolled a Warlock and the most rewarding/fun experience. I have played as Destruction mainspec before when it was the top dps spec. You may note my offspec is Demonology. I use this spec primarily for tanking in the Princes encounter. I am experience with the spec however do not enjoy it to the same level. That being said I would spec it if the raid deemed it necessary for hard-mode or difficult encounters, however you should note my gear is not itemized for the spec well at all. Demonology is a highly mana intensive spec and relies on Life-Tap for mana retention. With next to no spirit on my gear my dps would be far sub-par and I would provide less benefit to the raid than a properly geared demonology warlock. I also gear for 11% hit instead of the 14% required for Demonology.

    2. Armory Link: (and talent choices explained):
    This is the standard Affliction Warlock Raiding Spec. Specifically the spec I uses Dark Pact instead of life-tap for mana retention. While it is a little gimmicky, i.e. I need to stand within about 25 yards of my pet Dark Pact returns mana based on your SPELLPOWER, as opposed to life-tap that is based on Spirit. Since Icecrown gear is not very spirit heavy (note all caster tier) I have taken this approach to gearing.

    3. List raid helpful professions:
    Inscription and Enchanting, both provide an additional 46 spell power.

    4. Time playing WoW and PvE progression:
    I’ve been playing WoW for over two years now. While a relative beginner I have mastered most of the skills I believe to be essential for raiding. Limited experience in BC however I have progressed almost every encounter in WotLK. I downed 3d OS well before Ulduar, progressed the majority of Ulduar regular mode content. Before my Guild downed Yogg-Saron however I moved on to a more casual guild which subsequently disbanded and I finished Ulduar content in a 10-man guild. This raiding was done on my priest.

    At the end of Ulduar I leveled my Warlock and have been playing it since. I progressed through ToC and heroic modes. To date I have Insanity experience in 10 man as well as 3/5 25 man, however I would be confident clearing 5/5. I have also cleared Plague Wing on 25 man, but 25 progression has been halted at Blood Queen. Experience tanking the Princes encounter.

    5. Describe your method for theorycrafting your class:

    Generally I will rely a great deal on my own intuition wherever possible. If something does not make sense to me, I will not do it unless I am able to affirm it for myself. I use

    6. Age (18 is required with limited exceptions):

    7. Occupation and living arrangements that impact raiding(family, classes, dorm, night shifts etc):
    Currently living at home with my parents while attending University. At the moment nothing will interfere with raids.

    8. Guild you are leaving and why: (If you join another guild without following up here, application will be closed):
    Unfair Advantage. I would prefer not to leave but their late night raids are fucking with my sleep schedule and progression has hit a standstill with several sub-par players. I have been working with them in an officer role to help improve the situation but largely it’s becoming stressful, frustrating, and this is a game. You guys have downed Blood Queen; I want to be a part of it.

    9. How did you hear about us? List any friends/references within the guild:
    Server reputation is very good as well as PuG raiding experiences with several of your members. I was in a raid with Fredsavage a couple of weeks ago and he mentioned you had no warlocks in your core raid.

    10. List consumables you bring to raid:
    Flasks, Feasts, Personal Food Buffs, Holiday Items, Potions of Speed/Wild Magic for tough progression etc.

    11. Any Scheduling conflicts (consider possible weekend groups for 10mans):
    Weekends I occasionally visit my girlfriend who lives out of town, I would have to commit to these on a week to week basis but the TWT 7-11pm raid times fit my schedule perfectly.

    12. Provide measure of your damage/healing such as Recount (Screenshot to include player breakdown of attack %'s), WoW Web Stats (WWS), or World of Logs listing:
    Tuesdays WoL damage parses: http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/ergrgje4jjjj0bnz/sum/damageDone/
    Not my best night of raiding but not my worst. Other logs are posted. If you're curious they are found under EU: French Sargeras --> Unfair Advantage.

    13. Provide a UI screenshot:
    No my UI is not as great as it could be and I could use more keybinds, it works for me at the moment and it is constantly evolving. I use Xperl target frames to highlight my DoTs, the blizzard default UI for buffs/debuffs

    14. Final comments you feel could help your application:

    While I am a relatively ‘new’ raider, I am not an idiot; I will get out of fire, void zones and overall have good survivability. I am a thorough raider and do not AFK through trash. I feel trash dps DOES matter if it makes the raid progress faster and as such I will do my best to clear it as efficiently and effectively as possible. If I do join Xen I would like a fair opportunity at a core raid spot. I understand your loot system and have used EPGP in the past; I think it is an excellent system. I look forward to hearing back in regards to my application.
  2. Lime

    May 4, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Network Engineering
    No Where Important
    Nice world of logs, decent UI. Accepted.
  3. Xander

    Gracious for the quick reply but unexpected.

    If you would care to give me a couple days to tie up a couple days to tie up loose ends I would love to hop over into the Guild on the weekend.

    I have already lost my save to ICC25 this week so unfortunately I will not make a difference there for you until the new lockout. I have my ToGC25, ICC10 etc saves available if you would like to try me out before next week however.

    Let me know, and again thanks for the hasty reply, was expecting a couple days of discussion.