The CoD4 division has defeated Xtreme Gaming Syndicate and are now in control of rung 3 on the 4v4 Sabotage ladder! We completely dominated them, winning 4-0, and none of their players had a positive k/d ratio, whereas all of ours had one. The players that participated this time were: ({x}) Frag (Council Member) ({x}) s o k a r (Council Member) ({x}) Eskara ({x}) Ronin Our record in this ladder is now 16/4 and plan to be number one asap. Keep up the good work!
It was complete domination every round. Everyone played amazingly and fell right into groove the second the game started. Round 2 we won within 2min of the game starting with 2 of us not even getting killed. I ran out of my last bullet 2 sec before the bomb blew up from killing them so much lol. Great game guys.