What is your in game name?: WrathicusHow old are you?: 27Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone?: YesCan you make raid nights on consistent and reliable basis? (Tue/Thur/Sun @ 7:30pm server): YesWhat class and specialization(s) are you applying as?: Fury WarriorLink your main character's armory page.: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/emerald-dream/Wrathicus/simpleList any alternate classes and specialization that you may be interested in playing.(opt.): 702 ilvl Mage, Priest, Hunter, Warlock, Rogue, MonkLink the armory page(s) for any alternate character listed.(opt.): Alts are pvp geared but can be easily brought up in ilvl if I need to play one of them. Except the monk, really don't like that class lol.What tools or guides do you use to optimize your character?: Mixture of Noxxic, Icy-veins, live discussions on wow warrior forums, and a paid subscription to askmrrobot.comLink a recent log of a raid you participated in.: Can I get back to you here? I'll run heroic HFC today and log everything, I just wasn't excepting to apply to a guild so I don't have anyWhat is your previous raiding experience?: MC to AQ40 in vanilla (No Naxx), All raids in BC, All raids in WOTLK, Raid leader during BWD/Bastion then back to normal raider for firelands, All through Highmaul then back in HFC where I have 100% geared myself through pugs and leading my own raids (To clarify, there was no ninja'ing involved which seems to run rampant in WoD. If I did that, I would have my 2nd heroic Calamity's Edge lol)Why are you interested in XoO?: I've hit a wall on gearing myself but would love to keep progressing. Also I'm so tired of pugs and doing everything alone; music only gets you so far before it would be cool to have people to talk to while doing stuff.What are you looking for in raiding with XoO?: A sense of community honestly, something I haven't felt since WoD started. This game has become so solo oriented I was literally able to hit almost 730 without a guild.
Some additional notes: I have a character of every profession and stay 100% self sufficient, so I will never be without the best food (125 mastery), gems, pots, or flasks made by myself. Also willing to help keep a raid stocked up for minimal downtimes. I have run HFC on all my characters (Some not very well lol.. Looking at you monk) at least once to get an understanding of the bosses from every perspective and know that you do more dps alive than a higher burst before you die. I have multiple fury warriors on my friends list that I add and help them improve their game and even some that help me as well. I'm great with constructive criticism and will try any suggestions if it helps myself and/or the raid. (I'll admit I just recently found out stronger off-hand is better than MH). Also I have a shield and can tank, but kind of as a last resort lol. Finally my Bnet is Wrathicus#1448 if you have any other questions, chances are I'm pvp'ing on one of my alts but am online decently often.
Thank you for the application Wrathicus. We currently have two dps warriors, but we are always looking for solid players. If you are available we should be able to bring you in tonight while we hammer through some farm bosses. I sent you a Bnet request, we can hammer out the details and I can answer any questions at your earliest convenience.