WoW (EU)(Auchindoun)

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Dench, Oct 29, 2012.

  1. Dench

    Oct 29, 2012
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    WoW (EU)(Auchindoun)
    Character Name
    What is your class?
    What is your main spec?
    Please link your WoW Armory informationWhat is your age?
    What are your current professions and their raid benefit
    JC - Crit is currently my mainly prioritised stat therefore the epic crit gems bring a large bonus to this. Also helps other members in the guilld.

    Enchanting - Ring Enchants of base strength aswell as the potential to make money quickly to get more gear to push my dps up higher.
    How long you've been playing WoW and what PvE progression you've accomplished
    Classic : Cleared MC many of times obtaining thunderfury on my warrior in classic. Cleared all of BWL. Cleared all of AQ40 apart from the last boss due to the time it took to clear and the fact you could get better gear from Naxx 40 what we where progressing in. During Naxx40 we took the server first KT40 kill in SOTG on my warrior seanos.

    Tbc - Didnt really play much but cleared some content here and there with my warlock Irritations not too serious

    WOTLK - Cleared all of Naxx 10 by December of 2009 on my deathknight that is currently called Pestilstrike. During Ulduar i didn't really play much what has disappointed me greatly as going back and re visiting it. It does feel like one of the best raids blizzard has ever made. During TOC i was just getting back into the swing of wow just casually clearing all of TOC normal in pugs then during ICC patch i joined <Blade> on bloodfeather and managed 11/12 HC in ICC on my warlock with a sindra 10man HC kill then 10/12 on 25. I would of obtained 12/12 hc 10man back in the patch but during the end of the patch just as 4.0.1 came out i decided to yet again have a break till cata came out resulting in me not getting my LK kill with the rest of my guildies. When i came back i found out that my guild had disbanded into a 10man guild on <Auchindoun> called <Tea Party> so in 4.0.2 i came over just to help them out if needed. As they already had there 10man raid team with one of there officers in the guild as a warlock me and a friend rogue decided to move to Hellfire to join <Chaos Unleashed> as 25man guild for the rest of 4.1 obtaining 12/12 normal and many attempts on HC bosses pre nerf. My friend then had a huge argument throughout the guild resulting in him getting kicked and me shortly following as an Ex-guildie due to there horrible attitude to there raiders and the way they treat him. in 4.2 both me and my friend came back to auchindoun to join <Bloodseeker inc> during this time i was playing very casually just mainly as a social member whyll my friend was raiding. As i filled in raid spots when needed i did obtain 1/8 HC and 8/8 normal but that is nothing to brag about. During 4.3 i joined <Puré> late into the patch. Quickly helping them achieve 8/8 hc and helping them get there mounts for the meta ach. My expertese in raid leading came vital here and i was quickly promoted to an officer. Throughtout the beggining of MOP ive got pissed of with warriors and how unlucky my warrior always ends up being for such a gear dependant class. Have mainly only been playing casually clearing 4/6 Normal in the first 2 weeks then a holiday break was taken and when i came back the guild was going through crisis and it turns out they where disbanding so i followed my friends who created a small guild and i am just sat in there as a social.
    What days can you raid?
    • Monday
    • Tuesday
    • Wednesday
    • Thursday
    • Friday
    • Sunday
    List scheduling conflicts
    As i work part time whyll in Education my work can sometimes interfere it is rare but can happen due to there being no fixed router and different hours each week
    Guild History - where are you leaving and why
    Throughout my time playing wow for the past 6 years i have been in many guilds. In vanilla wow i was on SOTG on Al'akir server with my warrior 'Seanos' that is currently called 'skybolt' on auchindoun and is inactive as its on my other account i left this guild in the beginning of TBC due to the fact that i was quitting wow and had exams coming up.
    Other guilds i have been in for alot of my raiding expirience would be <Blade> throughout most of WOTLK on my warlock Irritations and i left them because i took a break towards the end of WOTLK and then when i came back most of there members had come to auchindoun to make a 10man guild <Tea Party> Which is why i ended up on this server. My current guild is just a friends social guild im sitting in for the perks and because ive just been playing casually every since puré have disbanded and come back of holiday
    How did you hear about us? List any friends/references within the guild
    Stormflurry who is also applying to the guild have raided with him for years
    Can you take constructive criticism and being call out on mistakes (both in and out of raid)?
    Final comments you feel could help your application
    Im mainly only raiding for some serious but at the same time fun environment and to be with past friends for example stormflurry both well experienced and basically in my eyes we come as a package.
    Have you applied to the WoW (EU) usergroup?
  2. Xrated

    May 7, 2012
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    thx for aply for us hop on teamspeak so we can do a talk