WoW (EU)(Auchindoun)Character Name Hotbody What is your class? Shaman What is your main spec? Enhancement Please link your WoW Armory information What is your age? 26 What are your current professions and their raid benefit Tailoring = Very good Back enchant engineering = good movement speed + good for burst moments How long you've been playing WoW and what PvE progression you've accomplished I played wow since the start although i have started as a PVPer TBH I do not remember the dates but ill say what bosses i killed with this char Pre-Nerf, I use to raid on my hunter at LVL 60 but i was mainly pvping on my paladin and did only dungeons in those days when "Protection Paladin" in trade = /ROFLMAO, and Lich King patch on my shaman but did these on my paladin, Karazhan (full) Gruul (full) Mag (full) TK (1 Boss down) SSC (1 Boss down) ZA ( Full) BT (6 Bosses Down) Naxx 80 (full 10+25 man) Ulduar (10 man Full Without Alg, 25 man eveything expect Yogg and Alg) ToC (Full 10+25 normal, HC 10 4/5 and 25 man 3/5) LK Raid On shaman did upto Sindragosa Heroic with 10% buff. Ruby Sanctum 10 man normal. Alakir, BoT, BWD, Full on normal and on heroic, Halfus, Atramedes, Chimaeron. Firelands Full normal Heroic after nerf DS Cleared with 20% buff What days can you raid? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday Sunday List scheduling conflicts well i can't raid in the morning but during evening nights and weekends i am OK with it. Guild History - where are you leaving and why SILVER STORM" LVL 60-70 2 months into the expansion, I use to play with a guild called "Silver Storm" Burning Legion-US, The guild never accepted the idea of a tanking paladin, after all the time we spent together they wont even get me in a raid while i tank so many of there heroics and geared many. "LEGIONS OF HELL"LVL 70-80 Came on the EU realms and Started on Twilight Hammer-EU made my own guild "Legions of Hell" we played since that day till around Yogg Saron, that’s why my mother passed away and my 2nd in command took over. When i came back "ToC Days" DKP theft had happened by some other group of officer and many people left. Tried to fix it but seems no one wanted to fix it so most left. After the LK Patch came out people whispered me for a reform of the guild so i did and we downed 6/7 10 man and 5/7 in 25 man of our 3rd week of raiding and 2 week of Releasing the Plague Quarter. Although we had good progress most of the members where loot whores and Drama Queens, after lots of talk with everyone i sow no use and decided to step down off the guild leader rank again and the guild disbanded as soon as i did that. "Juton" LVL 80 At the time i was playing my shaman alt as enh I was recruited to Juton as an officer and was the main Enh shaman. We did good progress but i had problems with how things work with the officer rank so stepped down of my rank and continued as a raider. After few months most of the officer where not happy with how the officer rank was set nor how it worked, and the Guild Leader was on a Vacation, so they decided to leave and the guild disbanded. "Celestia" LVL 80-85 I joined them to chill down and play with casual people because I have played allot with Hard Core people and it’s time to chill. We played till the start of Cata when our leader decided to quit. I made a meeting with everyone in the guild to fix the problem and people elected officer... sadly i was elected again with this crappy rank. we did 7/7 just before the nerf hits, and I did step down off the officer rank again and continued as a raider, but our raiding ranks has been hit hard we lost 5 of our top member so the guild is just disbanding again. "NoM" I joined them after i left Celestia we did 6/7 Heroic FL and managed to do DS 1 HC 2nd week of the patch release. they disbanded before we can make any progress was lots of fun but sadly the guild did not last long. "The Edge" I Joined The Edge around 2 months NoM disbanded. i was play some Swtor during that period. it was a fun social guild with decent progress where you can raid and be relaxed and keep until some RL friends asked me to lead them into creating a guild that can compete for MoP. "Defiant" Al thought the guild was created and all its members are skilled we progress in less of 2 months with some LFR gear we managed to get 8/8 HC DS complete but the problem started with people slacking and not wanting to come since they got the achievement of Deathwing heroic. although the guild was made for MoP i known from the start the guild will fail because of the fact it was made of Kuwaities only "Masters of Drama Queening in games" i did it just as a favor How did you hear about us? List any friends/references within the guild Kragdan told me about the guild i have played with him for a fair amount of time. Can you take constructive criticism and being call out on mistakes (both in and out of raid)? Yes Final comments you feel could help your application I love Kebabs they are tasty and if you accept me I'll bribe you with some kebabs! Have you applied to the WoW (EU) usergroup? No