Are you over 18: YesDo you have TeamSpeak 3 and a working microphone: NoDo you have a member referral?: NoWhat previous gaming experience do you have: I played WoW for 2-3 years, I've played Diablo 3, I frequent LoL, and I play a lot of fighting games. (in comment to the previous question, I will be obtaining a microphone and can obtain TeamSpeak 3 if accepted)What is your timezone?: Phoenix USWhat times are you regularly able to play: Mon-Fri 6-8 Saturdays and Sundays are dependent upon other factors, but most days are open.Do you prefer PvE or PvP and why: PvP is more challenging and forces me to learn the game more in depth.Where did you hear about us?: I found you on the Blade and Soul NA forums when searching for a server to join.Why do you want to join Xen of Onslaught: I like to be surrounded by people that are dedicated to what they play. While playing casually can be nice sometimes, I want to have fun and be good at the game. This seems like I could do both of those things.What is your in-game name?: I don't have my name set-up yet, but I have a Master's Founder pack and will be selecting my name(s) on the 11th.
Hello! I will be PMing you our TS info. Feel free to reply to this thread once you have received it and let us know when a good time for a TS interview will be for you and either myself or another organizer will coordinate that!
Thanks for replying! I'm available at any point tomorrow for interview. Otherwise I'm available after 8pm MST during the week.
I will be online most of the day on ts. when you log in scroll to the bottom of the channel list and i will be under "New or small games" in the "Blade and Soul" channel. Just pm me and we can have an interview