So I had signed up a few months back for a new WWII Flight Sim MMO ... this company happens to make other games and today I got an email saying I got into beta for this game called Star Conflict. Not having any fucking clue what it was I read the FAQ before I said ok. 3. Things you need to know. 1. This was stated in the FAQ. Is there be PVP? How is it going to work? This game is a PvP-based MMO so there will be load and loads of player vs player action. Matchmaking will be lobby based. Followed by. Is there PvE? No So I saw that and was like SCORE!!! 2. It is no joke World of Tanks with space ships. 6 factions each Battle Zone start with the side holding 3 points each ... You try and capture the other teams 3 beacons before they capture yours. and for number 3. I actually enjoyed myself playing this even thou its in VERY early beta ... If you enjoyed world of tanks at alllllll and like space shiz