I like the new look but at the same time im sad http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2010/07/01/new-wonder-woman-loses-patriotic-costume/
Ya but what makes me cry is Wonder Women is known for her outfit and ya they could kept the same layout but reworked the looked and thats what everyone asking but DC wont answer
My friend reads a lot of comic books and he said that they changed her whole back story because the gods of the universe rewrote time. So maybe they are reinventing her as a whole?
Oh dear god lol, you do know they new wonder women set in place our time not when ever the old comic book series also they havnt gotten to that point in her life yet lol
Sounds like a shitty excuse à la Marvel to make established franchises more palatable to modern audiences. Character coherency or consistency be damned. Just milk more money from it already. Anyone here remember Psylocke before she magically became that super psionic will-of-steel ninja ?
haha.... here your lady http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl...a=X&ei=kwwtTI3VJIK0lQee48CZCQ&ved=0CBsQ9QEwAQ
This is the only one I remember As for WW, it looks pretty good... but I just hope they don't touch Captain America.
i didn't really get why her costume was so patriotic to begin with, but i only really know the parts of her story from the old and new justice league stuff. Isn't it a costume she brought with her... from HER country? How was it supposed to be American?
Newbie !! That is how she was at first : Then she magically turned ASIAN and a mock-off of Elektra with psionics. I'm not saying I doesn't like the new Psylocke. But in my mind, she's a new character. She's not Psylocke. The original one has been lobotomized (total change of character -> steel ice temper), ethnically (caucasian -> asian) and culturally (english -> ninja ...) reshaped to sell more comics. Couldn't they have just introduced a new character instead of doing that ? Seriously ...
her out fit was read white and blue. it was kinda like the Flag on her. Just go look at her old outfit and you will see