Hi XoO family. I know there's not a supported Wildstar division, but do any of you wonderful people happen to have a spare trial key that I could use to try out the game before I buy it? Thanks!
Yeah, I gotchu. I'll send you a message in a bit with the key. I've been playing it a lot. As happy as I was with ESO, I'm even happier with Wildstar. It really captured that fun aspect that WoW had. My main is level 34 atm. Just leveling via BGs with a buddy of mine. Side note, the pve for the first 20 levels or so is ATROCIOUS. Absolute garbage. So boring! Luckily it gets a lot tougher and a lot more fun later on.
Does anyone else have a spare key? I've been skeptical with MMO's for years after I've wasted money on many and been greatly disappointed. I've love to try this game out as I've heard great things, but don't want to drop 60+15 on it without knowing for sure (And if my PC can run it). Love: Pdog
Bump! Unfortunately, Noollab's key was region locked =(. Does anyone have an NA key they could pawn off to a poor lonely PDog?