Announcements WildStar Division Announcement I’m excited to announce that the WildStar Division has been granted full support and is now a fully supported Xen of Onslaught division! As we move closer and closer to launch, we will continue to recruit and layout our plans for the division. I would encourage anyone interested in playing to apply now and help shape the future of the division! You can find more information about WildStar in the WildStar section of the forums. I would also like to welcome Xen of Onslaught member Dref to the WildStar Division leadership team. I have appointed him to an officer position and he has been helping in that role for a few weeks. We will be posting more information about the leadership structure in the near future, so stay tuned. WildStar Pre-order Announcement It was announced yesterday that WildStar will be released on June 3rd and those who pre-order will be able to participate in a three day head start. The WildStar pre-order will open on March 19th and the game will launch in two editions: • Standard – MSRP $59.99 • Digital Deluxe – MSRP $74.99 Pre-ordering is the only way to unlock this array of bonus items: • Exclusive Rocket Hose • Exclusive Trophy • Exclusive In-Game Title: “Chosen of the Progenitors†• Access to Beta Weekends • 3 Day Head Start • In-game Storage Bag • And More! Complete Pre-order information can be found here.
Also of note is that the game is region locked. There are North American and European servers. If you play in the EU you will not be able to join us in the NA. It has been mentioned that these locks are based on where you bought the game. So if you get a NA version you will be able to play it anywhere with others who have the NA version.