Link that survey. I wanna go in but on the other hand i hate betas as u have to redo the same shit once game releases.
I deleted the news letter..with the link get on the news letter list nm found it
Thx doctorie, somehow i never get their newsletter ? Maybe it's in my spam folder i'll have to check.
I don't get much at all from ncsoft besides Guildwars 2 spam not even password reset requests I always have spend a few hour trying to remember passwords from a year or more ago.
lol, clicked the link ya posted, forgot I did it as soon as it arrived.......been excited & waiting for this game for quite a while!
I actually noticed *while ago* that a lot of the WildStar stuff kept going into the spam folders. I had to prompt my email account to not register their emails as spam. So this could be a possibility for some of you.
WHUT ? They giving out beta tests keys ? Aaahh man i got no freaking luck on any roll these days not one single game. Well if anyone gots a beta key he doesn't need, feel free to drop me a pm I saw the dev speak about the medic it's damn hell sexy, exactly what i wanna play. Those guys are good at creating classes !
Seems like the perfect game to play with the wife, we didn't play together since Rift ! BTW should we create a Wildstar forum sub-section ? I think we'd need a CO for that tho.
Divisions usually need to have a large enough interest plus a loose organization to have a forum section. Would take 10+ people interested and at least someone who follows the game closely that could act as an organizer.
Hm will make a diff post then to list peeps interested by Wildstar so we see if a division is worth it.