The patent is appearently reguarding putting data on a disk... STUPID!!!! -KM
So just another software patent lawsuit then. This is all that software patents do, allow companies with no actual products to sue companies with deep pockets and extort money from them. You don't see the big companies suing each other over software patents because they all have a large collection of them so that if they get sued by another large company, they can countersue with all of their software patents.
Consider it a taste of their own medicine when they sued twice and eventually forced them to close shop for selling PSPs in Europe prior to its launch, when hundreds of eBay sellers and other online stores were doing the same. Sony is a thorn on the side of the electronics world.
oh Patent tolling will allways happen sadly and hear is a prime example of the sort of Patent trolling we can expect soon.,6307.html
Probably not. All the big names in software have been accumulating a large collection of software patents of similar quality so that if one of the other big companies sues them, they return fire with theirs. The little guys are safe because they don't have enough money to be worth suing. The medium guys are in a bit of a problem, but groups like the EFF will try to help them. Usually this means finding prior art overnight and helping them with their legal fees. The real threats from software patents come from patent troll companies. These companies have only lawyers for staff, no products, and few assets beyond the patents they are trolling with and cash that comes in only when needed for legal fees. So you don't have anything you can form a counterclaim with, and even if you do they don't have much money that you can get from your lawsuit. So I feel much safer with Microsoft having that patent than I do with a troll company. But I'd prefer to just see all software become unpatentable, since there is no justification for software patents and they cause a lot of harm.
If they want to sue then sure, I'll just take a screwdriver to those two keys and pop them out, I've never used them.
I think im gonna patent the caps lock key so that every time someone shouts in all caps in wow i get a dime. Good way to get rich no?