Where to download Anime Subtitles

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by Kazzier, Aug 14, 2010.

  1. Just wondering if anyone knows a good site for downloading just the subtitles not the actual videos for Anime. I know there are sites out there that do this just I am unable to find them it seems.

    I have managed to get half way through Rosario to Vampire Capu2 to find that the rest of the videos hadn't yet been translated, but they are available now. The translated subtitles are around somewhere, just cant find them to download.
  2. Yizelin

    Yizelin Veteran

    The only site that i go to for actual subtitles is opensubtitles.org but I don't see what you're looking for there. Typically I just wait for a group to release a sub and watch that rather than use a raw and search for the srt.
  3. well ya know what.....

  4. You know what Senrai, I disagree.


    I think I have made my point.
  5. so you would rather read that then imagine some other text? I think I will stay away from you now.
  6. [​IMG]

  7. How can you say that if you haven't even tasted his poop?
  8. Saffaya

    Saffaya Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    Get the anime with subtitles, it most probably is in the Matroska format, which is a container actually.

    That means you can extract the subtitles and merge them with the episodes that don't have the subtitles you want, or are in other languages.
  9. Cammy152

    Cammy152 Guest

    What a pervert....

    Must say it is really funny, Shame it doesnt get reaired :( mangas better

    If you knew what it was, its not pretty far of softcore xD