I'm so bad ;d Shame on me for not doing my research. Anyone have a suggestion for a good mid range AGP Videocard? My 6800 ultra took a dump and my ti4400 is fine for everyday use but I need to grab something for the warhammer beta. Would like to keep it under $100 but willing to go over if its worth it. I'm actually very bad for being in the biz (pc repair), I really havnt kept up with the times. 95% of my time at work is doing repairs anyways (the owner handles all the ordering and the new builds). I'm pretty sure Nvidia stopped making AGP cards with the Geforce 7 series, right? Does ATI still keep on top of it? I can't say I have a preference either way but in the past I've typically stuck with Nvidia. Anyone with some insight, would appreciate it, otherwise I'll get around to some research when I'm not so damn busy. Thanks
Forever rumored and now finally available to purchase, the Radeon HD 3850 is, frankly, a curiously powerful card for the aging AGP bus. It’s a bit too powerful to be properly utilized on the single-core CPUs that are typically paired with this platform. Regardless, this is the most powerful AGP card you can get. Perhaps you have an AGP gaming system you just can’t bear to part with, or you have an older system with both a dual-core CPU and AGP slot. Whatever the reason, you can’t get better than an AGP 3850, and if anyone ever releases a more powerful card in the future for the dying bus, we’ll be incredibly surprised. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102730
Thanks man thats perfect. I know AGP is dieing etc but frankly I cant afford to build a new PC which is what I would have to do. I have kind of a goofy setup, Socket 940 FX-53 processor. So, yeah, I would be better off just building a new PC if i could afford it. This should do me fine till then.
Too bad, socket939 was much more versatile than the 940. If you're still pouring money into an AGP system, maybe it's time to look for a part-time summer job for a week at least.