I'm going to put an ad on craigslist for my business. It's a carpet & upholstery cleaning business, so I was hoping to put in a list of counties, Zip codes, etc to cover all possible searches. I was going to do this in white as to be found in searches but not spam up the whole ad. Any suggestions or does anyone know the lightest color which can be used on craigslist?
A. White color text is not allowed. If you use white color text those will be converted to black color. If you try to make text white using style like <p style="color: white;">, you will get blocked message.
Never mind, they don't allow color codes it seems. So I tried this and it worked: Code: <font color="beige">your text here</color>
Cool luck with your business endeavors Dash! If you need someone to work for you, I have experience as a professional cleaner