going to be a slider for people ... closer to the core will be more PVE outer cores more PVP from what I have gathered
When travel the Open Universe the sliders will limit how many other players, players interact with. They are suggesting that you may never know if the person you see is an NPC or Player.
I'm guessing I'm confused about the "slider" part. As in an option in your options screen or is the slider just the distance from UEEUUEUE space?
I'm not sure it will make the economy hard. The missions will be the same the only difference is who you are fighting against. AI or player. They've said the areas that make the most profit on missions will be in the lawless regions. To encourage players to take risks.
Yea but we all know that in the long run the players are a bigger risk. Not only can they think but they can also salvage your stuff. I'm assuming the vanduul don't care about your crappy ship so you can come back and salvage it.
It's looking amazing, is beta already available? If it is, can someone give me their opinion on this game?
The game is in alpha but you can gain access immediately if you purchase a ship package with alpha access or a cheaper option is just doing a day pass for arena commander. The game is being released in modules. Currently they only have the hanger module and the dog fighting module (arena commander) which includes a few different game modes (death match, squadron battle, capture the core and racing) In the new year they'll be releasing the FPS module. So we'll get our first taste of the FPS gameplay. Then multi-crewed ships and then the first episodes of the single player game. As to my opinion on the current state of the game. It's feels pretty good for a space sim. Chris Roberts has done a great job on the ships. They are beautifully detailed and handle pretty well. There are some balancing issues in arena commander with certain ships being a little OP at the moment. But it's fun to practice tactics and get a glimpse of what the gameplay will be like in the final game. When the persistant universe comes out (the MMO version) everything will be merged into one seamless game. So it should be pretty awesome. If you are interested in the game I would recommend getting a day pass to Arena Commander. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Module-Passes/Arena-Commander It's five dollars and will give you a taste of what it feels like. If you are ready to buy a ship package we can help you make a good choice depending on how much you want to spend.