Character Name, Darkganon Warrior, and Main Spec: fury Applying for position: Raider Armory Link: 1. Talent Spec (List any dual specs or explain situational talent picks): Fury/Prot 2. Professions and how they help your raid performance: Blacksmith/Miner Extra gem slot increses Dps for raiding, 60 stam from mining is for tanking 3. Time played in WoW and PvE achievements/accomplishments: Started wow about 2 years ago. Cleared all BC content except sunwell, cleared all of WowLK content except for 25 man yogg 4. PvP influences and impact on raiding: I dont PvP much but i do have many pvp macros that has saved my life during raids ex: intervene macro to get away form incomming damage 5. Age (18 is required with limited exceptions): Im 19 6. Location and living arrangement (wife, children, dorm, etc): College studed currently living at home 7. Occupation outside of WoW and any scheduling issues it creates: I work part-time at a local supermarket 8. Your old/current guild and why you are leaving them (Include old guild's name or we could think you've joined them and dismiss your app): Currently in sickmode, guild has stopped 25 man completly because 4 of the 6 healers have left the guild for different reasons 9. How did you hear about Xen; list any references within the guild: Ive know about Xen for along time, ive been following there progression for a while. me and Arizair meet in a BT pug along time ago and kept in touch ever since 10. List consumables you carry to raid to include food when a fish feast isn't provided: Flask and speed pots, i nevr carried food because my current guild always provided fish feast. But buying my own food is no problem 11. What conflicts do you have with our raid schedule listed above? No conflicts at all, perfect raiding schedule for me. 12. Submit a damage/healing meter or WWS link. (If one is not available, explain why): Im goin to be honest and i never used Wow Web stats till i app to this guild so i dnt have a link. 13. Provide a UI screenshot inside a raid (If one is not available, explain why): 14. Final comments you feel could help your application: I never bring drama or confusion to a guild. I always come prepard and on time if not early. I always kno boss strats and upcomming patches
I ran with darkganon in our 10 man hard mode that first night a week or so ago. Was pretty decent. But anyways..
ive always been impressed with his tanking and dps abilities. the question is raid spot availability. i know our attendance can be different based on real life issues. we had <25 people Mon and Tues this week but we had 30+ I believe last Wed as we have a decent toleration for schedule flux, but we haven't begun looking at long term predictions or "signups" to see numbers ahead of time. Given those nights of subpar attendance and the addition of another tank for 10 mans perhaps, I would say I'm very excited to see you apply finally. I've been very busy with life things the last couple of days and game time has been short and mostly just ensuring I gain my daily Truimph's, but I do have a couple of days off after tonight to double check with our raid leader to see his thoughts as well as check your armory in more detail for dps since I'm not a warrior. Also, WWS isn't the only damage meter... I'll probably ammend the app to make it more known that its about the damage meter in general and not WWS specifically.
I think we can definitely find a spot for you as it appears that school may be shifting our numbers right after I got them worked out. Welcome to XoO
I talked to him a bit in tells last night to let him know we have a few melee dps but as long as he's willing to compete for his spot there should be no problems.