I searched the forums for mention of this "upcoming" game, but I either I'm dumb and can't find it or, it's not here! Also, this game is currently in beta and technically, its mother game is and already was released and played by XoO. So, if this thread has to be moved, I appologize in advance Kyoji! Warhammer Online: Wrath of Heroes is a "moba-style" revamping of the MMO released by Mythic, a division of EA Bioware. It takes the classic pvp style of Warhammer Online and turns it into a champion selection version of the game. Wrath of Heroes, is currently in beta and already is showing promising interest by not only fans of the old Warhammer MMO, but from new players alike. And the best part, is it is scheduled to be free to play! Not much more info can be found about this upcoming game other than hitting the beta and loading it up for yourself; their website seems to be lacking at the moment too. https://wrathofheroes.warhammeronline.com/ However, despite the skimpy amount of explanation of the game around the net, reviews such as the one above can be found, and it looks like a good past-time for when your current game servers are down; definitely a look for "old times" sake is encouraged As for the original Warhammer MMO? While not officially announcing it, looks like the game is starting to wrap up for a retirement with two more servers out of the few that were left taken offline on the tenth. They are still "developing" on their test servers but for anyone interested in whether or not the MMO is still valid.. nothing new to report as Mythic starts to shift gears to this "new" style of game.
It's a completely different game they want to have arena style battles in a game all its own. I have been in the beta for quite some time. Its just warhammer onlines engine with a small arena and premade characters. Pretty bad tbh. 3 of the characters are overpowering, the rest aren't worth picking ever. People rage when you pick them because it shows you're new.