Hello folks. We have officially decided to move servers in hopes of better competition and such. Our new server is : Badlands To transfer your existing characters log in to the accounts.eamythic.com site and use the free transfer function to move your character to the new server. Note: Mailbox items will not transfer, bank and such will. Note: You can only transfer a character level 5 or higher. If you have any further questions please let us know here. -KM
Just to give a little more detail about this decision. We did not choose to do this on a whim. Mythic declared our server as a low population server and we are pretty much given the eviction notice from Averheim with a choice of servers. Retribution Alliance, Other Destruction Guilds/Alliances and Order Alliances were on a Vent server and discussed which server would be best for both sides. I just wanted to make sure that the XOO WAR Members that are not in town right now or not able to get on and play do not think this was something we had a choice in. Unless you have things in your mailbox that you need, you do not even have to login to do this. You just need a web browser and follow the instructions by KM. Check out the Herald if you need or want more information. See you pals on Badlands!