RIFT ApplicationHow old are you? 32 In-Game Name? Voodude Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your primary archetype? Cleric Why did you choose XoO: Very organized gaming community that is looking for high-quality players. Focused on end-game raiding and pvp. Previous Gaming Experience: The main mmo I've played and where I got my experience raiding is WoW. I started playing WoW when Burning Crusade came out and I have a lot of experience raiding end-game content. With WoW's latest expansion Cataclysm my current experience is 5/13 in 25 man hardmodes (Halfus, Magmaw, Maloriak, Chimaeron and Atramedes) all on my Shadowpriest (Vudude - US Sen'jin server). My armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/senjin/vudude/advanced I pvp'd quite a bit in my offtime from raiding in battlegrounds and arenas. I've played Aion on the Siel West server in the Legion Virtuous. We were the #1 Legion on the server until a lot of our members got bored and frustrated with the game, me included. I played a 48 Templar and had experience in Abyss fort raids and world bosses. Did a lot of Abyss pvp. I've also played Lotro and raided during the Moria expansion where I played a Runekeeper. Raided the Rift, Watcher and Dar Narbugud. I pvp'd a lot as well. Why do you think you'll be a good fit? I'm a team-player and really enjoy being in a team environment whether its downing a new raid boss or kicking ass in warfronts. I'm a dedicated player and strive on min/max'ing my character to its fullest potential to help make the raid a success. If I can squeeze out more dps or healing by changing something I will do it. I'm a very easy-going person and easy to get along with. I pride myself on having a lot of raid awareness and think I could be an asset to your raid team. What will you contribute to the guild? I think that my skill and experience in end-game raiding will be an asset and help Xen of Onslaught push server/shard firsts on Briarcliff. I shoot to be the best and expect others on my raid team/pvp team are striving to be their best so that our team can succeed. I've parsed in the top 200 in the world as a raiding shadowpriest numerous times for WoW (worldoflogs.com) and can provide links if requested. Localization: NA Do you have a referral? A friend from Deadly Sins mentioned Xen to me. A little bit about yourself? I'm from the West Coast, Seattle area. I've been a gamer since I was a kid from my first Nintendo 8-bit console. I'm currently attending university pursuing a Network Technology degree hoping to go into Network Administration. I'm a big sports fan and behind mmo's my second favorite passion is fishing. I have an 18' Alumaweld Intruder boat that I love to take out for Salmon fishing and crabbing. Activity level? 20+ Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer? Yes Have you applied to the RIFT usergroup? No
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