Releases for $499 later this year Looks like it could bring a lot more realism to games along with a VR headset, but it also looks like using this sort of stuff will never let you be as good as a player using a keyboard and mouse.
Kickstarted it. Can't wait for it to arrive. Will slowly build up my VR rig, but this is the first piece.
I'm on the fence on this one. I really, really want it but, on the other hand, i think it's unplayable for most games as u'll be a sitting duck. For a single player game like Skyrim sure thing, but for BF4 it wouldn't work (as u couldn't go prone and shit and no more 180°C quick shots à la Chuck Norris). I've contacted them tho and can't kickstart them outside the U.S as they can't charge S&H during the Kickstarter, so i'll have to wait for the consumer version (could always have it delivered to Champlain tho and go fetch it).
I believe they had actually address the question of being able to go prone and it's doable, just not sure 100% how.... -KM