I'm usually really sceptical about UFO video's simply because there are a lot that are clearly hoaxes, however on this occasion I cannot deny that this seems to be real. For those of you that know a lot about video rendering, you know that there are tell tail signs to show that a video has possibly been tampered with, for example pixel distortion. BUT the quality of these videos are perfect (Even top range cameras can't do that) and to top it off, there are two different angles of the same UFO and the time scale of events is, again perfect. So, considering this is legitimate, it means - A - Aliens B - Military Hardware (advanced far far far beyond civilian) http://uk.news.yahoo.com/4/20110202/toddly-ufo-spotted-hanging-over-jerusalem-cc3a409.html
My buddy showed me this on a guitar forum yesterday and it is fake from what i could see. i'll try and get the link to the video and post it up.
I am surprised we don't see Israeli jets etc. I am sure something like this would show up on radar, even if it was brief.
At that kind of speed from a vertical assent? I very much doubt radar would pick it up. Or it wouldn't register as anything drastic enough to be of importance. Also, even if it did, jets wouldn't have gotten there in time. Video is in the link mate.
If it's real, it's military hardware. End of story... sorry guys. If you've read Deception Point, the author makes a really good case against alien UFOs. Also, you'd think a tourist to halfway across the world to one of the holiest sites in the world would be carrying something a little more hi-tech than a cell phone camera. Correct me if I'm wrong, but radars just bounce radio waves off flying metallic objects. The speed or velocity of the object shouldn't be a factor.
Looks interesting, but I'd expect more people to flip their shit and start crying if it was real. I mean Jesus, it's a holy site and a glowing ball is floating above it. Looks like end of the world stuff to me, but the world didn't end and no one freaked the fuck out on film and I haven't gotten any email from my mother forwarded from her pastor forwarded from Rome that the end of the world is nigh and I should repent, so I'm going to be skeptical until a skeptic comes out and says "shit, we can't explain this one guys, sorry."
I read a few articles that demonstrated that these effects could be duplicated with video editing effects.
not that i believe this..but for the sake of arguement. That was the dome of the rock....id be thinking act of god..not aliens. Unless like some suggest..jesus and that crew (mohammed etc)..were aliens.. but my 2 cents..fake...but it could be some natural phenomena I have seen ball lightning..that was freaky....it didnt look like that I have seen a ball of flaming swamp gas....that was even freakier...it didnt move like that at all..it just kind of floats around.
I know, I was talking about the video showing how it was edited. Something about 2 parallel lines rotating and they shouldn't have been.