Vent went down today. Our donations are 6$ too low to cover this month. If you feel like contributing, Our paypal is I'll check online today to see if we get enough donations so that we can get the server back up ASAP!!
find a way for me to send straight from the credit card without having to go through paypal at all and ill send ya some money. I could have donating hundreds by now if paypal didnt have my credit card under lock.
Several people pitched in and thanks to them we now have enough for the next couple months as well. THANKS!!
i'll add some money tomorrow when i get home...... if i win some more money at quincy's, i add more to it.... I added 20 to the contribution.
Hmm...should this be stickied? I know no one ever looks at stickies...but when people want to find the donation info they maybe actually do look at stickies.
Yeah, it probably should. Or a copy of the intial post can be put into a Donation Info Forum along with info on how to donate to XoO in general.