Vargos - Cleric App

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Vargos, Jul 23, 2009.

  1. Vargos

    1. Age (18+ Requirement): 30
    2. Name (Forum & IGN): Vargos (hopefully same IGN at launch)
    3. Class: Cleric (possibly Chanter if there's a huge need)
    4. Do you have vent and a mic?: Yes and yes
    5. Previous gaming experience: Diablo II, Guild Wars, EVE, and WoW are the major ones. I've also played small stints in Warhammer & Darkfall recently, but didn't go very far.

    In WoW & Guild Wars my focus was generally on PvE since that's what my friends did. I loved PvP, though, and wish I'd done more of it. I do most of my raiding in WoW on my Rogue, and PvP on my Disc Priest. While I've taken the Rogue on some PvP here & there, nothing has been more fun to me than being a battle healer. I played a monk a lot back in Guild Wars too for GvG.

    6. Why did you chose XoO: I remember you guys from way back in the good ol' days of Guild Wars, at least by reputation. You guys always seemed like a fun & determined guild that rocked the ladders in PvP. If you even have half of that level of organization & success in AION then I'm definitely interested in doing what I can to help. I've been burnt out on WoW for so long, I've tried tons of other games. None of them left me with the positive feeling I got from playing AION last weekend. I foresee it being tons of fun in a brand new environment, and I want in. I responded to Kyoji's thread on AionSource about wishing you guys were going Asmodian, but I remembered back to why I had so much fun playing Horde in the early days... it wasn't the characters I was playing but the guild I was playing with. I know you guys are still undecided, but I'm willing to go with whatever race you decide if you think you can use another healer. Providing, of course, that you fully intend to have a lot of fun and kick a lot of ass in this game as it seems you do in many others.

    7. Do you have a referal?: Nope. Unless you count Kyoji's thread that told me where to app. ;)

    8. A little bit about yourself: Well the bad news is, I'm getting married in a month or so. We've already lived together for over a year & a half, and my play time is definitely not what it used to be. The good news is, though, that my fiancee is a converted gamer as well (I've got her playing GW & WoW mostly) so she knows what it's like. Weekends are usually wide open, and I'm guaranteed to be on all night on Tues & Thurs while she's at work. Other days, I just get on when I can but spending time doing other things with her takes priority some days. So as long as you guys aren't making play time requirements for membership, I'll be up for some PvP every time I do manage to log in. I typically manage to get some game time in for at least an hour or so most days, but it's a crap shoot for what time it is when it happens.

    More good news is that I'm getting a new gaming rig with our wedding money. ;) The CryEngine is making my current 4-year-old machine, well, cry. So I may lag a good amount during beta, but come launch time I'll be getting a serious upgrade to enjoy the game to it's fullest. I'm very much looking forward to PvP'ing when I don't have opponents lag jumping across my screen every once in awhile.

    As far as personality goes, I'm pretty laid back and love to joke around in vent. But when I'm actually doing something specific like PvP or raiding, it's time for the game face. I've been a raid leader in previous guilds, and led PvP teams back in GW, so I'm no stranger to giving orders. But I also know when to take them and get the job done.
  2. Kyoji
    Veteran Staff Member Admin

    Jun 22, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Indiana, U.S.
    excellent application! No problem with your schedule, we are not hardcore raiding or having mandatory playtimes for a game like Aion. We like, you, are laid back and like to have fun while keeping a competative edge. We have enough hardcore types to do whatever is needed for Aion.

    We will probably be going Elyos for Alliance reasons as well as the fact that everyone is already going Asmodian. We don't wan't another WAR where we just completly shut out the enemy side. :p

    Anyways, welcome to the family. We are most very glad to have you aboard! Feel free to post around and get to know everyone.

  3. Panacea

    Nov 3, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Marketing Assistant
    London, United Kingdom
    Kyoji is awesome
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2009
  4. Vargos

    Thanks for the cordial invite! Honestly, I originally figured everyone was going Elyos and figured there was more room on Asmo side, but it's kinda looking like it's the other way around. I will gladly trade in my gray skin & clawed feet for a pretty boy version of my cleric. ;)

    (I'm kinda wondering now what Panacea posted that you thought would scare me off.. lol)
  5. Kyoji
    Veteran Staff Member Admin

    Jun 22, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Indiana, U.S.
    don't worry pan is a good guy, he wasn't talking about you. :)