How old are you: 26In-Game Name: UtopiaDo you have TS3 and a working mic: YesPrevious Gaming Experience: GW2, WoW, Diablo2 LoD, Diablo 3, Starcraft Brood War, SC2, Heroes of the Storm, League of Legends, Dragomon Hunter, Civilization 4,5, Cities:Skyline, GTA5, Freestyle Online, Age of Empire, and many more...What will be your main focus in game: PvPHow commited are you to guild development: 70%What class/role will you take up in game: anything that's required. But prefer dps/tankWhat is your playtime and timezone: varies. when free: 12 hours/day, when busy, 0 hours/week. I live in ottawa. New York Time zone
sunday, tomorrow after 5pm would be good for me. between 5pm and 10pm. I am in Eastern Time Zone UTC-05:00 thanks! btw, your name "varias" sounds really familiar. Do you recall any of these names: Tristana (Archeage: Captain Teemo guild), Utopia & Dystopia on majority of the games I've played.
YES I do! I recall Captain Teemo in Archeage! I will be in touch with you around 5pm EST. I have PM'ed you some info about the guild and the TS info. Please log into team speak around that time and I will be in touch for an interview.
haha yes. I was Tristana in that guild. I am also told that all my friends are in the XOO guild right now on Albion. (Horangee, Gagimi, Leonandis, Yeahyoh(? -- i can never spell his name right..) haha) I will be on ts around then. Just in case though, can we make it 6pm? I will be getting off work at 4pm, but I was just told that I might need to go and pick up some instant noodles and i don't want to jeopardize an interview.. lol
We do need you to apply to the game group, up under Join Us where the application link was, if you haven't done that yet