Are you over 18?: YesDo you have TeamSpeak 3 and a working microphone?: NoWhat previous gaming experience do you have?: League of Legends. Pokemon. Blade & Soul. Overwatch.What is your time zone?: PacificWhat times are you regularly able to play?: Prior to August 21st, 2016, I will be able to play regularly from 4pm to 4am everday. Yeah, free summer.Do you have a member referral?: No, but joining from Black Dragon.Do you prefer PvE or PvP and why?: No preferences. I used to avoid PvP because of low gear but more importantly because of shit PC. Just built my new PC two days ago and I can start focusing more on it.Where did you hear about us?: Black Dragon merging with you guys on Black Desert Online.Why do you want to join Xen of Onslaught?: Want to stick with the people from Black Dragon.What is your main character's name?: SandorStarkWhat is your family name?: UCSFWhat is your main class?: MusaWhat is your main character's AP?: 120What is your main character's DP?: 150Can you make most Node Wars times on the weekend?: Until the 21st, yes. After that, can't guarantee.