I dunno why I find this so damn hilarious. Apparently, people cheat on each other way more than I thought, hahah. 1 in 12?! lol
lmao, Serves her right tbh =P Shouldnt have an affair then pretend to be shocked that children dont look the same.
What's really sad is the poor clown is actually staying with her... It's no wonder people cheat on each other constantly. No one gives a shit, lol. Bunch of closet swingers...
That phrase always makes me laugh because I get the image of the mother dead and the father on his deathbed going "son... I'm not your father. I'm HIS father, but not yours *dies*".
So does this mean she had sex with two guys in the same night and neither knew how to pull out? Brilliant.
From the article... "Sperm can survive up to five days inside a woman's body, so a woman could sleep with different men several days apart, and get pregnant not once, but twice." Yay, biology is fun, gooo science! 1 in 12 sounds high to me, too, but it's true there is a lot heavier/more widespread use of fertility drugs/"treatments" like they do mention in the article, so who knows...