1. Character Info: Twinblades - Rogue - Combat http://wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Sargeras&n=twinblades 2. Explain your Talent Selection: I am currently the most common specialization for a combat rogue. I generally look at the cookie cutter specializations and adjust them if I happen to see a need to which would improve my performance. As well as testing different talents to boost my performance, I also talk to other rogues to improve, such as Limegreen. I am currently gemmed for armor penetration to maximize my DPS as combat which I just started running a spreadsheet on to see how that works. 3. Your Age: 19 4. Current Professions & their Raid Benefit: 450 Mining (Not a raid benefit it was just used to level engineering.) 450 Engineering (The best profession for DPS for me.) 5. How long you've been playing World of Warcraft & what PvE progression you've accomplished? I have been playing since about arena season two of the burning crusade. BC - [Karazhan, Zul'Aman, Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon's Lair, SSC, The Eye, Hyjal, Black Temple] WoTLK - [Naxxramas, EoE, OS (3D on 10 & 25), Ulduar 10 (11/14)/ Ulduar 25 (10/14), ToC, ToGC 10 (A Tribute to Mad Skill), ToGC 25 (1/5), ICC 10 (10/12), ICC 25 (4/12)] 6. Describe how you Theorycraft your Class: I run a spreadsheet which I obtained on http://elitistjerks.com/ for combat. I generally use that to plug in different gems and enchants I can use to maximize my DPS while trying to maintain enough hit rating and expertise rating. 7. Occupation & Living Arrangements: I am a full-time college student and work part-time at a grocery store with Darkganon. I currently work Wednesdays, but that will be changed if I get the opportunity to raid with you all. I still currently live with my parents while attending college, but this should not be an issue with raiding with you. 8. Guild History: I really haven't been in a raiding guild on this character since BC, all the guilds I have joined have just been guilds my friends were in, but I am tired of having to PuG everything each week. If you would like me to list these guilds even though they are rather random and useless I would be glad to. I would also tell you of the guilds I raided with in BC, but I was on a Malorne. 9. How did you hear about us (Friends/References within the Guild)? Arizair, Darkganon, Drodi/Zinfiny, Limegreen, & Ricerocket 10. List your Raid Consumables & your Method for Maximizing: I generally carry on me about three flasks of endless rage and hearty rhino (40 Armor Penetration). I sometimes carry around elixirs of armor piercing, but I use flasks of endless rage over them. I have been trying to determine if the elixirs of armor piercing would boost my DPS by maximizing my armor penetration over the flasks of endless rage. 11. List Scheduling Conflicts (Include times for possible weekend 10-Mans.): My only current schedule conflict is the wednesday night raid, but will be changed based on if I am accepted. As far as 10-Mans I would be available Friday or Satuday at about 8 PM to 2 AM. 12. Provide your Raid Damage/Healing Performance: I don't currently have a screenshot of my raid DPS, but I did about 10,200 DPS on Deathbringer Saurfang in 25-Man ICC. 13. Screenshot of your UI: 14. Can you take constructive criticism & being called out on mistakes? Yes 15. Final Comments you feel could help your Application: I am a competent player who will pretty much always show up unless there is something going on in my family, but it isn't very often and I will let you know ahead of time. I really want to get into a raiding guild to actually kill bosses in ICC [25-Man] rather then just the usual first wing.
if you were a better race for a rogue you'd not have to gem expertise... and never use that red color again