I'm just going to take this down, while I hold Kava dear to my heart I can understand its not the place to share. It's an interesting plant at the very least and if it's something you are interested in learning about you could PM and I can point you in the direction of some good information. All I want to do is give off good vibes, bringing up a controversial substance may not be the best way to do that. I'm going to leave the video because its just an interesting watch.
Cool little video on kava. "Dr. Lebot says kava is not the problem, it is the chemicals used to create the pills." - No side effects on liver found within traditional kava drinking societies.
Edited from content change-- I'm alright with this as long as it stays a bit more in lieu of being a common cup of joe, or glass of wine, or something to that extent.
I need some of this before playing FPS games... Can I go to the local specialty health food store and order this up?
After some thought, I can see where you're coming from Blackice. It's hard not to be passionate about something thats improved your life for the better but I understand that there's a time and place. I apologize.
There are lots of things legal in the U.S.A that some or most people don't know about. Some of those things people have opinions on. Kava has an opinion.
I appreciate that FF but I'll admit there's plenty of places to share my personal experience and research on the subject that are more fitting. I think that's where Blackice is coming from and I get it. Like I said I'm more than happy to share information through PM's and hopefully I can leave the video up for its just a neat taste of culture.