Triple Triad Online - Play The World

Discussion in 'Other Games (Not Listed)' started by BobFromMarketing, Jan 20, 2012.

  1. BobFromMarketing

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Triple Triad Flash Online
    This is a 100% FREE, online multiplayer flash version of the Final Fantasy 8 (FF8) mini-game card game, Triple Triad. Remember the card game in FF8 that we all played more than FF8 itself? Yes well its back, and its even better than before :D You may quickly notice that the home website looks ghetto. You're right, it is. However, the flash game itself is really quite outstanding. Its almost too good to be free imo. The more you play, the more you will realize how well executed and though-out the flash game truly is. Been having a LOT of fun nerding out over this shit...come join us!!!

    Register: - takes about 10 seconds and no confirmation. Register & start playing.
    Basic rules:

    Basic Rules
    Triple Triad has very basic rules, but deep strategy, especially depending on the rules being played. Read the nice Triple Triad Wiki 101 page for a refresher. Triple triad is a card game for 2 players. The goal is to beat your opponent. You may Win, Lose, or Draw. The board is a 3x3 grid. Players take turns playing 1 card at a time, until the board is filled. Cards have strength values for each of the 4 directions. Strength ranges from 1 to 10 (A). If the strength of a card placed is greater than the adjacent card, the placed card will flip the adjacent card, and a point will to that player. Each game starts with both players at 5 points. At the end of the game, the player with the most points wins, unless a draw occurs (same points at the end).


    Special Rules
    There are a variety of rules to play a variety of very different games. Depending on the rules being played, your playing strategy, and even choosing your deck for the game will be different. Options for rules are:
    Random deck: Your hand is chosen randomly from your deck, based on the level range selected for the game.
    Open: Both of the player's hands are open for each to see.
    Same: If a card is played which at least 2 strengths match adjancet cards (at least one must be the opponents), the placed card will flip the opponent's cards. SAME example
    Same wall: The "Same" rules can apply to the outside border, which has a strength of 10 (A).
    Plus: If a card is played which at least 2 strengths add up to the same value of at least 2 adjancet cards (at least one must be the opponents), the placed card will flip the opponent's cards.PLUS example
    Combo: Using this rule along with Same and/or Plus, cards flipped will flip adjancet cards if their strength is greater.
    Combo+: An add-on to Combo, except now the cards will keep flipping until no more flipping is possible. COMBO+ example
    Elemental: If you place a card on an element which the card matches, your card will have +1 strength on all sides. If you place a card on an element which the card does not match, your card will have -1 strength on all sides.
    Deathmatch: In the case of a draw, the game restarts with the same rules and total set of cards, until someone wins. Note that the cards from each players hand may be shuffled during a Deathmatch after a draw. Thus, one could keep track of all cards in play, and can know the opponents hand.
    Random rules: A random selection of rules. Any combination of any of the rules above may be selected.
    Friendly game: A game that does not effect vpts, and does not award pts. If two players have the same base IP address, games will automatically be Friendly Games.

    In Triple Triad Flash Online, there are two types of points: pts (which you buy new cards with from the shop), and Vpts (which determines your rank). You earn pts by playing games against either the AI, or other players. Against other players you win 3, 2 & 1 points for Win, Draw, and Lose. Against the AI you win 2, 1 & 0 for Win, Draw, and Lose. As your points accumulate, you can buy new cards from the shop and build up your deck. It is wise to buy at least 1 of each card per level, so you are not at a disadvantage for any given level range within a game.

    You earn Vpts from playing against other players only (the AI does not effect your Vpts, and therefore does not effect your rank). The ranking system and Vpt calculation follows the FIDE rating system (same rating system used in Chess). The amount of Vpts that you win or lose, depends on the relative difference between the two players current Vpt ranking. Read about it here. An example would be a high-ranked player vs a low-ranked player. If the low-ranked player wins, they will gain a lot of vpts. If the high-ranked player wins, they will gain a much smaller amount of vpts. Etc.

    The lobby is where you will spend your time when you're not playing a game. The options within are minimal. You are able to:
    * Buy new cards from the SHOP
    * Challenge & play the AI (computer)
    * Challenge & be challenged by other players
    * Check the Championship board for upcoming or ongoing championships
    * Check the profiles of other players (you can view their cards, rank, points, and even watch their past 10 games)
    * Check your own profile (same options apply, except with the added option of purchasing/changing your avatar)
    * Chat with people in the lobby, or whisper to people and chat privately

    There are 5 possible gain modes in the game. The gain determines how and how many cards you, or the opponent, will win at the end of the game.
    No gain: No one wins any cards. Highly recommended mode.
    One: The winner of the game may pick any one card out of the opponents hand.
    Direct: At the end of the game, each player wins all cards of their color.
    Change: The winner of the game may pick any cards, equal to their points minus the opponent's points.
    Total: The winner wins ALL cards of the losing player's hand.

    BEWARE of challenges from other players. Please make sure that the gain mode says "NO GAIN", unless you are prepared to lose cards. There are many great players out there, and they would love to win your cards if you give them the chance. You can always reject their game, and whisper to them "no gain", or just re-challenge them back with "no gain" as the gain mode...or not play them at all!

    Championships occur approximately every 2 weeks, and last approximately 1 week long. The championships are divided into 4 phases: Registration, Elimination, Qualification, and Finals. Each phase is approximately 2 days long. At the end of each phase the top 1/2 of players move on to the next round. The prizes for the top 3 players in the Finals are Character Cards (level 10), which cannot be purchased in the shop. Note that you do NOT use your own cards for championships. Everyone plays with the same range of cards. Also note that championships do not effect your rank (vpts), and do not give you normal points (pts) to buy new cards. To be honest, the championships are probably the best part of the game. Very competitive & interesting games. Likely, you will end up getting owned by some pros; but that's a learning experience. You can learn a lot of skills by getting owned in championships :3:

    How to play in a Championship:
    During the registration phase, you click on the championship board, and click "Join". An icon will appear next to your avatar signifying that you are currently playing championship games. You can now challenge and be challenged by others who have also joined. At any time, you may click "Quit" at the bottom right, exiting championship mode. However, you are still entered into the championship, since you have already joined it once. You are free to come in and out to play championship games as you like, as long as you are still in the current phase.

    There are 2 types of championships:
    "To rule them all" - Champ mode where everyone picks from a given set of cards. Level ranges vary.
    "The build maker" - Champ mode where you are given XXX amount of points once you join the championship, to build a deck of a specific level range. You will use that deck for the remainder of the round. At the end of the round, the cards & points reset, and you are able to rebuild a deck for that round (assuming you made it to the next round!)
    Past Championships:
    Date	Type	Level	Rules			
    4-Dec	Rule	8-9	Same	Plus	Combo+	
    18-Dec	Build	2-3	N/A			
    2-Jan	Rule	6-7	Same	Combo+		
    16-Jan	Build	1	N/A			
  2. Kazzier

    Aug 28, 2009
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    I used to play this many many years ago. Despite how good the game was, I ended up stopping playing because of how buggy it was.

    What is the game like now in terms of stability ?

    Edit: Actually I was wrong, I used to play this version -
  3. BobFromMarketing

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Pretty stable
  4. Gankfest

    Jun 29, 2009
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    Computer Software/Hardware
    Fort Collins CO
    Kinda off topic, but does anyone know what the Triple Triad next to the XoO Store is?
  5. Rubius
    Veteran Xenforcer

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Software Engineer
    YYZ, Ontario
    It's a shitty version of Triple Triad without the original music. No point in playing it really as that theme defined it. It's like watching the Star Wars movies with all the original tracks removed and replaced with silence.

    @Bob, does this version include it?