I need some info on a little burn I have. It's on the inside of my leg about 10 cm below me knee, and is around 7cm in length, and 3cm in height. I got it like, last night from the engine of a dirt bike (some dick took off the heat guard, so even before i touched the engine my leg was already hot as hell) and so far i've thrown some Peroxide on it and washed it and put some Polysporine on it (the poly helps heal wounds as far as i know). Now i'm going to wash it some more with cold water, and put more polysporine on it and hopefully it will scab over and heal. Am I missing something? It's only about first degree since it only took off the top layer of my skin, so I don't think I need medical attention, and I don't want to wrap it in gauze because it'l get sticky and i'll have a hard time getting the gauze off. Any ideas?
The way I understood it first degree is like a sunburn and second degree is when it blisters. Either way Aloe vera helps.
www.webmd.com look up burns sounding from the size of it, id say it's pretty serious. From what i know about that stuff, it might get infected, so clean it with neosporin or something like that and cover it. Before you do this tho, look it up on that site i linked.
neosporin + bandage after thoroughly cleaning it with hydrogen peroxide. But he is correct about aloe working well to soothe it as well. try not to drink alcohol until it begins to heal either.
Keep it clean(like 2- 3 times a day) and keep it covered. It will become very gross and soggy, but just make sure you keep it clean. A new bandage before bed, when you wake up and around noonish. I had a serious burn on my arm once(got bumped when i was taking a pot out of the oven and my arm actually stuck to the top burner! I'd once a day also when you are not doing anything, clean it, then cover it with polysporin and let the air at it a bit. After it begins to heal give it some air more often so it can scab over.
Salt + lemon juice will heal it 10 times better than any "so-called Doctor" will tell you, IMO. end of the line, period
gasoline... because then you can cauterize the wound. (holy crap I spelled cauterize right the first time no spell check!)
So you think he should treat a burn, by burning the flesh ? And why exactly is your opinion worth more than that of someone who has spent years training in medicine ?
This is horrible advise vaseline will lock in the heat and make it worse. With the location of the burn and its depth you need to have it looked at. I am a Red Cross Trained instructor and that is my advice take it or leave it. And meemo you seriously need to get laid or something.