Since Kaybek has recently discovered that he and his wife will soon be adding a new member to their family (Congrats!!!) he has foreseen that he will not be able to have the time to continue acting as lead in Aion NA. Thusly, after consultation of his officer pool he has asked me to fill those very large shoes. So as of yesterday I am now the CO of Aion NA. We are getting back on track, planning and implementing new and exciting guild activities and ramping up on our recruiting efforts and making our name known once more. Speaking of recruiting, now is the perfect time if you have any interest in checking out Aion, hit up one of our members for a trial key and take the plunge, you never know you might just like it! -KM
Grats Kaybek & Kinetic! If I magically find some extra spare time I'd love to check out the Aeion trial. Or at least drop in and shoot da shit with ya for old times sake.
is the lvl 35+ requirements still in place? cause I just started a cleric and I'm currently lvl12.. but I'm planning on getting to high levels..
I am suspending the level requirement for the time being to help bolster ranks and also I believe our median levels are closer to 25-30ish than to the higher numbers so the more we have there the more active we can be as groups and the quicker we can progress along. So please app up and we'll see you in game. -KM