its down for server maintenence (rare), we didnt pay on time, etc. all of this is server side, nothing we can do...unless we forgot to pay the bills.
And here I was hoping for some drama, like some illegal porn was being hosted on the server and someone sniffed us out!
Actually, it's true. I was attaching footage through PMs and sending it to dash. He really likes beastiality! Who knew?
Ahh, yea, those were the days, sitting around, waiting for the site to come back from exceeding its quota. My poor little refresh button...
Actually, it may be due to DoS attacks, at least thats what it said in dash's comment on vent last night..
I use the same host and didn't have down time then so I think it was not DOS. Hosting there is really pretty cheap for a lot of bandwidth and space, so I think it was probably an issue with the database or the like instead.
Thanks for the pics, Jenn!! How did you get in that crazy position with a donkey anyway? WOW you are limber! I guess I missed the site being down. Not sure what happened.
Hehe.. I remember someone screencapped the error page and added the caption "THIS MAEKS ME NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Lol!