L2 is officially Fee 2 play http://truly-free.lineage2.com/ Direct link to site http://www.lineage2.com/en/
then dont play it.... also the grind not as bad like it use to be now money ont he other hand another story lol
I heard the grind in something else was not as bad as it used to be too, then promptly found it was still as fulfilling and enjoyable as bashing my brains out with a gold brick wrapped in slices of lemon.
Not sure why posting a QQ here was leting people know who enjoyed L2 its F2P. Also again yall basing fact of what 7 yrs ago. Yes still takes some time to lvl but no where near as much like it use to... im lvl 55 and took 2 weeks and didnt really play that many hours
Been looking forward to this going F2P. I will likely be downloading it. Enjoyed it thoroughly back in the day.
well there a guild that recruiting again some new players to hang out chat and have some PvP/PvE fun with, once GoD goes live from what was said they will buckle down
Might not be playing afterall. My computer which can run BF3 at max graphics slideshows with L2 on low.
So whats the deal people? You can grind your asses off in RF online and other games, but this is too hardcore for you? We still have any hardcore pvp'ers left in this guild that want to take castles and stuff? They just released two new servers so everyone starts off at square one and no castles are taken yet. Plus with the new quest lines you can get to level 40+ super fast and have a good chunk of starting cash and full D gear. If you take offense to what I just said, good. This is a challenge to all the "pvp'ers" that always talk about wanting an open world pvp game. If you are interested in getting in on the ground floor on a new server, hit me up, my ign is CrushGroove on Shilen server. If I don't respond right away, don't worry, I'm just busy killing red players, I will respond though and we can get some shit going. Long live real hardcore pvp. I think it's a slideshow for everyone now, tons of new people everywhere. As you can see in my sig, my comp is top notch and even I am having problems.
well dont think BF3 is trying to render 100+ ppl lol. I havnt had any real issues running L2 on Max settings the only issue is one town since its flooded with shops i get minor lag for a few sec then im good. But also I think has to do with worn out hardware the L2 servers are on prob lol since NcSoft doesnt seem to like to give NcWest much funding lol. Like on AION china/Korea I have no lag issues really but in NA AION I do lol
I would be all for it but the timing couldn't be worse. So many good single player games came out in the past 2 months and SW: TOR is out in 13-17 days. Maybe sometimes next year.
What of those of us who have never played? Got any cool videos of fun events and crap that might draw us in? (I can probably find something, but show me one of your favs since I'm sure you have some Twi ^^) That jump routes travel mode thing looks really interesting. ...also feel your pain about trying to get people to try a f2p they didn't like the original for. My APB thread got so much trololololololo