This movie is a prequel to John Carpenter's The thing (itself being a remake). And it looks like it could be a worthy one. If you remember the beginning of Carpenter's movie, er masterpiece I'd say, then you know who the guys in the trailer are, and how it ends ... The 'Oh shi......' meter is particularly strong with this one, especially if you know what they're dealing with (you watched Carpenter's movie). If it were my choice, I'd rather take my chances against some LV-426 xenomorphs than fight this .... thing.
John Carpenters version freaked me out as a kid, especially the dog part. I'll probably check this out.
I recently got to watch John Carpenter's "The Thing", in HD. It was my first time seeing the movie and I was thoroughly impressed. It's 30 years old, yes was more entertaining than many movies I've recently seen. It makes sense to make a prequel, seeing as how there was so much left to explain at the beginning of the the movie.